For Year 3, the general consensus is some sort of Qbank paired with Anki and/or the study material of your choice, whether that be Boards & Beyond, Online Med Ed, Sketchy, etc. I preferred UWorld STEP 2 CK (NOT the one with OMM) to pair with Anki due to the ability to search the question ID in the sidebar filter of Anki to unsuspend the relevant tagged cards. Please refer back to Rob's video on that in the homepage! However, AMBOSS has articles on a multitude of topics as an additional reference and even a nifty anki-addon that I really liked.
However each rotation and shelf is a bit different and I've wanted to highlight some resources that might be more helpful in certain shelves then others, so go under the respective rotation and see what works for you!
First Aid was pretty great for Step 1, but generally is not as heavily recommended for shelves and Step 2. However, if you would like the book for reference, download First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, Eleventh Edition.