Year 3 - Step 2/Level 2 Dedicated


The Qbanks

The overarching key to the dedicated period is to do as many practice questions as possible. Highly recommend completing your questions in TUTOR MODE, as you can see immediately why you got a question right or wrong and thus analyze your train of thought. Use your Qbank to build your knowledge, not necessarily to test your knowledge. Test and time yourself using the NBMEs instead.

At this point, you've probably done a good amount of your Qbank of choice from the shelves, so now you're left with a few choices:

1) Reset your Qbank - this is a good option to just start fresh and review everything, or at least the topics you need more practice in. Just time consuming.

2) Redo only your incorrects - also a good option and more efficient. However, potentially miss out on concepts that you guessed correctly on.

3) Switch to another Qbank - more questions you haven't seen yet! Just more monies, of course, but you're probs numb to that now.

NBMEs and Free120s

Divine Intervention Podcasts

Episode Notes

Notes created from volunteers: Episode Notes

Slight plug: I am developing a program to take audio and transcribe them to make notes, similarly to the Dr. HY notes for the shelves. The beta will be available for the public in the upcoming weeks, but in the meantime, if anyone would like to have an audio source or podcast turned into notes, feel free to reach out to me now and I can convert it.


Alternative Anki Deck

JAnki Deck

Here is a smaller Step 2 Deck (~7000 cards total) that pairs well with UWorld. Download each subject separately. Otherwise, you can use the AnKing V12 deck found on the main page.

JAnki Decks

COMLEX Resources

OMT Review by Robert Savarese

AKA, the Green Book. Also highly recommended, but stick to one resource and you'll probably be fine.


This website includes a free OMM anki deck as well as study plans: OMMedicine Resources

Demeter Deck V4

Anki deck that encompasses OMT predominately from Savarese, but also OnlineMedEd, UWorld, and AMBOSS (sort by tags): Demeter V4